Monday 19 December 2011


Music Magazine Evaluation.

The brief for this AS coursework portfolio was to create a music magazine. We were to design and make and front cover, contents page and double page spread. All the images and ideas were to be original material.
In the research stages of the coursework I analysed Mixmag, The Fly and NME.  In making my magazine I have, to some extent have followed the conventions of music magazines, yet contains different things to challenge them. For example the use of a memorable masthead, I have chosen to make it not just basic font, so this somewhat goes against conventions. The masthead is important and I don’t think it is possible to defy the conventions of a masthead because ultimately the first thing new audiences see and will be with a company forever. I have used a sell line, which is used in all magazines to provoke readers to consume this particular media. Also in fitting with the conventions of magazines my newest front cover image really complies to the norms which before I decided to change it did not work, the picture was low quality. Now my image is clear and unlike previously it has a musical air about by use of a guitar and all ties in together. With my double page spread I have stuck to conventions using a large image and text to instantly identify what and who the article is going to be about along with a pull quote giving the jist of the article. I wanted my image to reflect the unsigned raw aesthetic of my magazine, being called Homegrown it was important that the images were not over posed or looked to pretentious by ways of setting and mise en scene.
I think my magazine represents lower social groups, I think this is because it is a free press. Moreover I would wish that it would be distributed in the hang outs of the young (bars, gigs, record shops, independent stores). Unlike some higher end magazines its less aspirational focusing on bands and subject matters that the young can relate to, it works as more of a hub of the interests of the audiences. The subject of the cover is not smartly dressed like the sort of thing they would attract elders, but reflects not the media image of youth today but a truthful one. As you can see on the double page spread, the music magazine Homegrown would aim to be a light easy read, this is also suited to where the magazine is available in bars and shops, it give the reader option to have it portable. This all coming together hopes to address the wants and like of a young audience. Also the idea behind it ‘HOMEGROWN’ meaning that the artist are local and achieving a career in music, an aspiration of many young people. So, the magazine would not be pretentious or intimidating in its views and simply be on the level of 16-25 year olds.
Being a free press in order to distribute the music magazine it would have to be a product in high demand, not only for consumer but for shops too, being about the latest and freshest bands and music people would go to the shops just to pick it up. This would be like synergy as it would attract people to the shops whilst shifting units of the magazine. In order to distribute, like The Fly magazine it would have to probably be a sister company to another major magazine, possibly like a localised version of some music magazine such a NME, which would increase hype around the product. The plan would be to make it available at music events and shops so that potentially the audience would be coming to you. Obviously the music magazines funding would rely very heavily on advertising but I wouldn’t think this would be a problem as it is so heavily aimed at 16-25 year olds that advertisers should subsequently be jumping on the chance to tap in to this heavily consumerist demographic. Furthermore the audience will probably be quite niche, its not focusing on pop music therefore again would open up for a particular type of advertising market, especially as the things you may want to advertise to an alternative market have no place or demand in a largely mainstream market.
My decision to completely change my magazine was just really because of the finish my original draft had, the images did not work and in addition, even though my ideology was represented through the roughly presented text etc. it did not look professional which I need to some extent to make it attractive to readers.
The main technology I think that I have learnt the most about would be photoshop, all of my pieces were mad on it and it in some cases was trial and error, to discover the best ways to create the finished contents page, double page spread and cover page. Also using blogger, was a great help and I learnt a lot from it and found it really useful in being able to see your work presented and being able to view teachers and other students blog as a way of communication and help.
In conclusion I think that I made the right decision to re-make my magazine after receiving various types of feedback. I feel I have now met the criteria of the feedback and I am much more confident that my magazine fits the connotations of my chosen genre. The new look of my magazine still goes with the genre and moreover looks much more like the music magazine it is supposed to be.

double page spread re do - final out come

front page re do - final outcome

contents page re do - final outcome

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Improvment Decision.

On looking at my finished product I decided to look at it again and make another that is improved.




-colour scheme

-finishing touches/polishing