Wednesday 24 November 2010

The Fly Cover Analysis

With regard to media language The Fly has a simple layout, for example their masthead is simple, i think this adds an unassuming nature to the brand image, it's just about the music not a gimmick, this is reflected in the fact the magazine is free and the puff to tell us this is very evident. The actual title also as 'The Fly' connotates the fly-on-the-wall idea and how they find new bands and artists before anyone else. Also the picture is a mid shot of the band Warpaint, it has hints of attitude made more apparent by the anchorage of the headline by saying 'psych-rock sirens' we know this is an eccentric band. Furthermore the second puff is done in graffiti style to co inside with the house style which is also used on the main headline, the shows rebellion.

In terms of institution The Fly is published by the MAMA Group which is part of the HMV Group, this shows that media businesses are working in synergy as when albums appear in fly they will be bought in HMV. Also the MAMA Group owns the Barfly chain of gig venues which could also involve synergy as if The Fly says a band are worth seeing, the readers will go to see them at a venue. It relies heavily on adverts, as its a free press. Their ideology appears to be completely about music and the indie genre, they are all about finding and introducing the latest bands, for example they were the first magazine to publish Coldplay and Razorlight on the cover.

With audience The Fly taps in to a niche audience, the mag is specific for indie gig goers, this is apparent as it is mostly available at live shows. I think MAMA Group have found this gap in the market as the audience will mostly be young and possibly students so not of a high income and will be in group E. Furthermore, being out at gigs is readily available to the target audience. The adverts also reflect the readership as they are mostly for alcohol, live events and modern technology.

Representation on the cover, for example the title 'warpaint' is presented as very edgy, it is not dissimilar to the Sex Pistols logo, it shows the band as edgy and punk and the image of the band appears like on newsprint, as if it is new, the band are hot off the press. Also the connotations of the title The Fly represents a fly on the wall, they find bands no one else has seen of heard of.

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