Friday 22 October 2010


In terms of media Language for my front cover you can see that I have used a mid shot for my photograph I feel that this adds to the personal feel to my magazine, the warmth of the picture also makes the magazine a little more please. The font I have chosen for the masthead is one that I did not originally analyse for use in my magazine, but I think it works very well using the relaxed colour blue and yet still very eye catching.

My institution of a college magazine was given a bit of an edge by being more based on events and the fun sides to college like. The ideology of it is getting the balance of work and play, which i feel would really reach to all students.

In terms of audience I wanted the magazine to steer away from the convention of being for both teachers and pupils, but for it to be entirely for students from 16-19. I think this was a good choice however in the real world if this was published i would have to consider things for teachers as to broaden the market.

Through my cover i have tried to represent my ideology, mainly by using my picture, the brightness, models expression and prop, show us an idyllic student, this sort of show readers this is what they could get from reading this magazine. Also through my colour scheme we can see it sets + represents the relaxed tone I wish would be through a full issue of the mag.

In conclusion, I would say it has gone quite well, my only major problem was that couldn't use the font I want as it couldn't be downloaded to the college computer and also in the future I would manage my time better.

Final Front Cover

Computer Plan of cover.


Contents Page

This is a brief idea of what i want my contents page to look like, the colours match my front cover.

Examples and Analysis of Photos

 This was my first attempt at shooting the cover shot. For this photo I involved the books and a model dressed casually so that the photo represented my institutions ideology. The pose worked well, but as we were photographing in an area with limited light I didn't really get the inviting look i wanted to go for.
After finding some natural sunlight to make the photo brighter, i tried a different pose. I found that this pose did not work as it took the attention away from my model and this is not right for me as I want my magazine to be for students exclusively.

Finally, I used the pose from the darker photo in the light, this is my favourite shot as I think it really represents the look I am going for. I think it would reach my target audience as something that they would like to read.

Masthead Ideas

These are a few examples of mastheads that I could use, I feel that the third one in seems the most appropriate for my magazine, this is due to the fact it looks readable, which fits in with my ideology of getting the right balance of work and play. Looing at my title I have decided it is to long and if I were to call it THE DROP IN, it is more catchy and memorable.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Analysis of a College Magazine 2

In terms of media language this magazine, like the other has used a mid shot but this is more to convey a work ethic and shows the audience they are aiming toward. Also the college hasn't got a strap line or slogan like the other to highlight the ideology, however, the teaser on the magazine say 'science' in a large font which again reaches to the target audience. In the shot of the photo, they have extended this by involving tools and equipment relevant to the courses the college is selling.
In terms of institution we can see that it is the Beloit college, as they have chosen this to be their masthead, furthermore by the chosen colour of the masthead and text it is portrayed to be simple and to the point as it is white, this is shown even more in the bland colours of the image. The ideology seems to be that education is the main and that the model used looks very interested, it shows us they believe that students should be enthused by their subjects.
For audience it is aimed at science students, more so ones who already know that is what they want to do as there is nothing on the front cover to draw other in.
Students are represented on this cover by the image, the looks concentrated and involved, yet males are not represented on this cover, this works against the conventions and old ways of men working in science. In doing this they have involved women and presented themselves as a modern college.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Aanalysis of a College magazine

In terms of media language we can see from this example that they have chosen to use a mid shot presenting a comfortable, easy going boy, this shows an aspect of college that is less conventional yet still using the prop of books to still relate with an educating ideology. The strap line for the magazine is 'Your guide to everything hip, hot and happening' this is completely personal to the reader and invites the college students to be involved in something that appears they cannot miss. Also this is seen through the sell lines down the side, it all appeals to the modern college student with mentions of things such as 'Blackberry' and talks of night life.
The institution is College Lifestyle Magazine, we can see through the style and contents of the magazine we can see that the magazine wants to portray a more relaxed approach to their ideology, we can see that they believe in the enjoyment of students time at college. 
In terms of audience it is aimed at the young student, the masthead is covered re-enforcing the importance of the attractive, cool male model that will be desired and looked up to attracting people to choose this magazines over more serious ones.
Lastly the magazine is represented it many ways the image, firstly show the model giving up eye contact and invites the reader in this also relates to the bright eye catching text giving the magazine an edge.

Friday 8 October 2010


In making my College magazine I will need to use meadia terms and language, for example I will have to have a style that involes font colour and graphics. Also the media language will be seen in the picture I use which will be a medium close up.
The institution is the producing company of my magazine, this will have a set shared beliefs that will be convayed through the style and connotations of what i have made.
The ideology the the set of ideas and for the College magazine this will be the idea of education or maybe something a bit more alternative to appeal to college students.
The audience is the people that will eventually comsume the media, for the College magazine this could be students, parents or teachers.
The representaion is how the ideas are represnted. This can be in many ways and works with connotations to share the beliefs and thoughts, it can be done through what the text says, the pictures and the all over style.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

The Brief

Using DTP and an image manipulation program, produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriately laid out text and a masthead. Additionally you must produce a mock up of the layout of the contents page.