Tuesday 19 October 2010

Aanalysis of a College magazine

In terms of media language we can see from this example that they have chosen to use a mid shot presenting a comfortable, easy going boy, this shows an aspect of college that is less conventional yet still using the prop of books to still relate with an educating ideology. The strap line for the magazine is 'Your guide to everything hip, hot and happening' this is completely personal to the reader and invites the college students to be involved in something that appears they cannot miss. Also this is seen through the sell lines down the side, it all appeals to the modern college student with mentions of things such as 'Blackberry' and talks of night life.
The institution is College Lifestyle Magazine, we can see through the style and contents of the magazine we can see that the magazine wants to portray a more relaxed approach to their ideology, we can see that they believe in the enjoyment of students time at college. 
In terms of audience it is aimed at the young student, the masthead is covered re-enforcing the importance of the attractive, cool male model that will be desired and looked up to attracting people to choose this magazines over more serious ones.
Lastly the magazine is represented it many ways the image, firstly show the model giving up eye contact and invites the reader in this also relates to the bright eye catching text giving the magazine an edge.

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