Friday 22 October 2010


In terms of media Language for my front cover you can see that I have used a mid shot for my photograph I feel that this adds to the personal feel to my magazine, the warmth of the picture also makes the magazine a little more please. The font I have chosen for the masthead is one that I did not originally analyse for use in my magazine, but I think it works very well using the relaxed colour blue and yet still very eye catching.

My institution of a college magazine was given a bit of an edge by being more based on events and the fun sides to college like. The ideology of it is getting the balance of work and play, which i feel would really reach to all students.

In terms of audience I wanted the magazine to steer away from the convention of being for both teachers and pupils, but for it to be entirely for students from 16-19. I think this was a good choice however in the real world if this was published i would have to consider things for teachers as to broaden the market.

Through my cover i have tried to represent my ideology, mainly by using my picture, the brightness, models expression and prop, show us an idyllic student, this sort of show readers this is what they could get from reading this magazine. Also through my colour scheme we can see it sets + represents the relaxed tone I wish would be through a full issue of the mag.

In conclusion, I would say it has gone quite well, my only major problem was that couldn't use the font I want as it couldn't be downloaded to the college computer and also in the future I would manage my time better.

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