Wednesday 20 October 2010

Analysis of a College Magazine 2

In terms of media language this magazine, like the other has used a mid shot but this is more to convey a work ethic and shows the audience they are aiming toward. Also the college hasn't got a strap line or slogan like the other to highlight the ideology, however, the teaser on the magazine say 'science' in a large font which again reaches to the target audience. In the shot of the photo, they have extended this by involving tools and equipment relevant to the courses the college is selling.
In terms of institution we can see that it is the Beloit college, as they have chosen this to be their masthead, furthermore by the chosen colour of the masthead and text it is portrayed to be simple and to the point as it is white, this is shown even more in the bland colours of the image. The ideology seems to be that education is the main and that the model used looks very interested, it shows us they believe that students should be enthused by their subjects.
For audience it is aimed at science students, more so ones who already know that is what they want to do as there is nothing on the front cover to draw other in.
Students are represented on this cover by the image, the looks concentrated and involved, yet males are not represented on this cover, this works against the conventions and old ways of men working in science. In doing this they have involved women and presented themselves as a modern college.

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